Are some Libra's more charming than others?
All Libra’s have a certain charm about them, and while this is the most balanced sign of the zodiac, not all Libra’s are created equal. The September Libra has a double dose of Venus. The planet of love rules over the sign, but in this case, it also rules over the first decan, making it the sub-ruler of the September Libra’s as well. To learn more about decans, check out the first part of our September Virgo’s article where we go through what that means in astrology.
To break it down real quick for you, each zodiac sign is divided into three segments which are called decans. Each decan is approximately ten days long and is ruled by a planet, giving each decan its own flavour of that sign. In the case of Libra, the first decan runs from the 22nd September through to the 3rd of October and is ruled by Venus, this makes our September Libra’s super charged Venus babies!
If you are a Libra born in the first decan of the sign, you possess an extra special ability to appreciate all forms of art, beauty and luxury. These Libra’s know how to treat themselves to the good life, and they can teach us all a thing or two about how to indulge once in a while! The September Libra loves to be in love, they generally thrive in social settings and can feel energized in the company of others.
The September Libra is most likely the best dressed in the room, these people stand out from the crowd without meaning to, they have a natural affinity to design, creativity and know how to pair pieces together and take care of their appearance to present a unique and creative appearance into the world. They love the idea of love, they indulge in romance however they are more interested in the idea of the love than truly allowing themselves to get too involved in the messiness of a relationship. They float in the pink cloud of their desires and can have many love interests or a longing for a love lost, however it is always an ideal that hangs in their mind, the reality seems to bury itself under their tufted velvet bedframe.
These Librans can do very well in a partnership with someone equally as creative or who can appreciate the finer things in life with them. They are charming, can be highly social and have unique gifts that surprise and delight others. If you want to attract or keep this Libra in your life, you should dress to impress or be ready to spend that cash on supporting their lavish desires. I’m not saying this Libra is a gold digger, but they like to spend their cash on high quality luxuries, so deep pockets certainly go far with the alluring September Libra.