December 2022 Astrology
What a rollercoaster of a year! We finally reached the end of the ride, and the final month of 2022 promises to end on an interesting note.
Check out the full calendar of events here
1st December Venus Opposite Mars (Retrograde):
Passions can be flying high, particularly as information comes to surface, people or actions from the past are re-considered and looked at with fresh eyes or a new set of values. This can be a tense but passionate day when two opinions or beliefs seem to be operating in different spaces. Trying to convince others of your opinions or beliefs may just end in a strange debate!
1st/2nd December Mercury square Neptune (Retrograde):
At the same time there is confusion with what it is true and what is fiction. Distractions are not hard to come by and your mind can start wandering to a place of the past or an overly optimistic place of the future.
3rd December Neptune stations Direct:
This is a welcome breeze that gives off the aroma of a field of fresh flowers on a perfectly warm spring day. After the major dose of reality we have been dealing with throughout the year, thanks to the fixed sign eclipse seasons! We can finally start visualizing, daydreaming, creating and imagining with ease once Neptune stations direct. Let yourself escape into your visions and trust them to become your reality.
6th December Mercury enters Capricorn:
Hopefully you have been hyping yourself up while Mercury was in Sagittarius, because with this transit comes the mental capacity to get working, strategizing, planning and list-making. The heavy lifting can become a lot easier and you can feel more mentally capable to deal with the hard work required to fulfil your bigger goals.
7th December Full Moon in Gemini/Conjunct Mars (Retrograde):
Take a chill pill and try to breeze through this Full Moon as it does bring some tension to light. This can be more significant for those with major Mutable placements (Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo). Emotionally we can feel charged up, we can feel easily offended or triggered, we can take things the wrong way or make assumptions. Take it easy on the roads or while travelling, try not to jump to conclusions and pick fights even though you may be itching for it! This energy is best used through activity, competitive sports or healthy debates. Write or speak out your thoughts rather than attacking others with your opinions/beliefs!
9th December Venus enters Capricorn:
With spending at a high during this time of year, Venus in Capricorn is here to save your wallet. This transit encourages more resourceful spending, budgeting practices and purchasing with value in mind rather than being blinded by the fairy lights. This is also a good transit to think more practically about your relationships and creative projects, planning for the future with long term stability and security in mind.
14th December Sun Square Neptune:
The Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. Your subconscious doubts, attachments to the past or escapism tendencies may restrict your freedom to express yourself. Unhealthy tendencies may also be restricting how much gratitude and optimism you can feel for yourself and your growth. Being conscious of your patterns is the first step to overcoming any internal blockages and moving towards integration of inner dreaming and external abundance.
17th December Mercury Trine Uranus:
New ideas, unexpected resources or strategies towards future goals can be presented to you through your own hard work or inquiry. Be open-minded with technology, friends or with your plans as you may experience a break-through or positive turn in your money, career or status that comes out of the blue.
20th December Jupiter Enters Aries:
Jupiter officially enters Aries on this day which re-ignites the fire to expand, learn, explore and teach. Think back to 10th May-28thOctober of 2022, Jupiter was in Aries during that time and you may experience similar themes play out or re-play in a new way.
21st December Sun Enters Capricorn/Sun Square Jupiter:
Capricorn season begins and puts us to work. It’s only fitting that this is the season of reflecting on the wins and losses of the year that’s been and making resolutions and goals for the next year, how very Capricorn of us! The Sun squares Jupiter on the same day which can be the push we need to make headway on certain plans.
22nd December Venus Trine Uranus:
Similar to the energy of Mercury Trine Uranus, however this brings unexpected financial wins, changes in relationships or a realization of values. The surprising elements of this transit can be for the better and improve our financial situations, even just slightly or improve our relationships or shift the future trajectory of relationships, even just by a little.
23rd December New Moon in Capricorn:
This New Moon is relatively gentle and cleansing. A gentle new beginning or new relationship can come up during this lunation. This can be a good new moon to set your intentions for the next year, being an opportune time to make your resolutions list and goals for 2023 before the Mercury retrograde.
29th December Mercury stations Retrograde in Capricorn:
Mercury stations retrograde at the same degree it stationed direct at the beginning of the year, so you may be dealing with something that was happening for you at the start of the year. Use this retrograde to refresh and reset, clear the chaos, clutter and re-focus your goals to have a fresh slate moving into a new calendar year.