June Solstice

As the warmth of summer envelops the Northern Hemisphere, we find ourselves at the pinnacle of the years solar journey. On June 21st, 2023 we celebrate the Summer Solstice, the longest day and shortest night of the year. It is a time when the sun shines brightest and nature thrives in its full splendor.

The June solstice has been revered by cultures across the globe for centuries, symbolizing a moment of transition and renewal. The word solstice signifies the suns apparent pause in its journey across the sky, in Latin “sol” (sun) and “sister” (to stand still). It is the time of year when we are encouraged to immerse ourselves in the warmth and radiance of the sun, embracing the energy and vitality it brings.

Throughout history we see civilizations that have honored this day, from the Midsummer celebrations in Scandinavia to the Inti Raymi festival in Peru. Communities come together in gratitude for the suns life-giving energy.

The Solstice is a reminder of our connection to the natural world, prompting an appreciation for the abundance of sunlight that nourishes the Earth, sustains life and ignites our own inner light.
May this summer solstice inspire you to radiate your own inner light and appreciate the natural wonders to the world around you.

June Solstice Ritual:

Connect with nature

Going for a walk in a nature

Gardening or spending time with animals

Cooking a meal with fresh ingredients

Spending time under the sunlight,

giving thanks to its life-giving energy

Hosting a picnic or brunch/dinner outdoors


Crystals: Selenite


Crystals: Dalmatian