Mercury Retrograde is not a big deal
Let’s get clear, when a planet stations retrograde, it simply means that from our vantage point on earth, the planet appears to be moving backwards but it is still very much moving forwards.
The planet Mercury is in this illusionary backward motion, also called a retrograde a few times a year, so the energy associated with this movement is not uncommon to us so let’s release some of the fear surrounding the Mercury retrograde.
During this time, it may feel like transportation is breaking down on us, failing us, communication is misinterpreted or we are receiving mixed messages that can lead to confusion or in the worst case scenario, complete chaos! It can also be a time when friends, family and certain people from our past may reappear in our lives to some capacity. This can be occurring because Mercury as a planet is the trickster and wants to create a little bit of drama to make sure you can keep up and you still have your inner world in check despite any chaos that may be occurring on the outside.
While this can feel like the annoying fruit fly that just won’t buzz off, it’s important to realize that sometimes we need to bring our attention to the fly so that we can address the root of the problem, dig a little deeper, pay a little bit more attention so that we can resolve or at least become aware of what might be going on beneath the surface. What do challenges offer us but a chance to level up or at the very least get a reality check to what may or may not be working in our lives.
I would like to encourage us to reframe the fear narrative around Mercury retrograde and think of it more as an aptitude test.
If we are driving, happily along the highway of our lives, Mercury retrograde is when we get off the straight and steady highway and turn onto what could be, confusing side streets, where we may hit sharp corners, we may miss turns, refer back to our GPS and try a different route. We may need to double check the route to our destination and the turns we need to take a few times over.
We come off the autopilot and are called to use more mental processing.
In the process, w might find a short cut or discover a new skill along the way, or pick up a hitch hiker and make a friend!?
The message here is to be open to the lessons of Mercury retrograde and the strength that comes from moving through these "hiccups" with confidence and ease, knowing that it is all temporary in nature and just a brief reality check to make sure your still actively participating in the journey of your life.
Mercury retrograde is not a big, scary deal, but it can be a challenge, think of it like a progress test with the purpose of helping you build greater awareness of the thoughts you think, words you speak, and ultimately gain more confidence in your authentic journey.