The 29th Degree

The 29th degree of any sign in Astrology is called the anaretic degree. This degree marks the end of a cycle for obvious reasons, as we have reached the final degree of a sign.

For some astrologers, the 29th degree is also a malefic degree point, ruled by the planet Saturn which just means we are dealing with energy that tests us a little harder to reach the goal of that planets ultimate purpose in our life before it moves on.

For other astrologers who follow a unique "degree theory" coined by late astrologer, Nikola Stojanovic, the 29th degree is ruled by Leo. While the Sun (ruled by Leo) is also a malefic, it has a different flavour to Saturn and may bring a more dramatic end to the signs chapter in your life.

There is a lot you can read online about the critical nature of the 29th degree in astrology but it is important that you take a step back and discern what resonates most with you.

In my practice, not every 29th degree is made equal. Sometimes, a fixed star at the 29th degree of any particular sign can increase the critical nature of that sign, however without any aspects, fixed stars or otherwise, I've found it is not often all that critical and may not be felt as intensely as we would assume!

Planets at 29 degrees in transit:

When a planet is transiting the 29th degree of any sign, the critical nature of it can simply be felt as a change in energy as it prepares to enter a whole new sign. The real change and challenge can be felt when the planet enters the zero degree point in the following sign.

Planets at 29 degrees in your natal chart:

If you have a planet in a natal position at 29 degrees of any sign, it can be felt as a consistent pull towards the energy of that planet/sign combination as you are wrapping up the karmic cycle of that particular energy.

In Vedic Astrology:

When looking at degrees of planets in Vedic astrology, we are now diving into the carried karma as it relates to each dasha, antardasha and so on. As such, every degree is significant in calculating your karma and the resulting experience of each of your dasha's as you live through them.

And the information I’ve provided briefly, is just the tip of the iceberg for what is available when you start doing the research. As you can see, I have gone down a few rabbit holes to uncover the truth about the 29th degree in astrology and have come to uncover some interesting theories.

The truth is, when you dive into the world of astrology, you have to decide what you want to focus on.

In the case of the 29th degree, if you want to focus on how it can be a critical, malefic or challenging point, you will find plenty of information that supports that.
If you want to focus on it having a slightly different flavour, you will find that too.
And if you want it to mean absolutely nothing, you will also find that!

As much as it is good to be analytical in the practice of astrology, we must remember that we cannot physically see the lines of astrology impacting our lives, just as we cannot see the lines of wifi connecting our devices and communities. In the case of astrology, all we can do trust and believe, and synthesize our own patterns and those of the world around us.

All of this to say, I have come to the conclusion that yes, the 29th degree can be a point of finality, realization and closure, however do I think this is a degree point to be feared or to worry about, no.
For the most part, I don't.

That being said, let's just ride out Pluto and Saturn in their 29th degree in gratitude for the lessons they brought and hopeful for the future of their journey into Aquarius and Pisces!

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